You Want Change without Changing Anything


You want things to be different ..but you don’t want to change anything.

Well, you are certainly not alone in that way of thinking - but being part of the majority is hardly any solace when you what you really want is a specific outcome you have in mind.

If you are wondering what’s holding you back - it’s very likely two things: First you are not crystal clear on your end result and next you associate more pain than pleasure in achieving your outcome. 

The pleasure/pain principle comes into play when you are focused more on the process than the end result.

As an example, because it’s so universal, let’s take getting into ideal physical shape.   For the visual image - we are talking about someone who is fit, flexible and toned - not too big or small.  

You’ve seen this person - they confidently walk into any room and look great in anything they wear, they seem to have boundless energy, they are usually smiling and they look successful even if they are still on their way up the ladder.   It’s obvious that they respect the ‘temple’ to their soul.  They have a reputation for being disciplined.

Everyone wants to look like that but so few do.  Why?  Because the first thing most people see is all they would have to give up to look that way. Their focus is on loss instead of the gains.

So how do you get over this hump?  

You focus on your end result. 

In our example we have this healthy and fit human but know you can do it with ANYTHING.  So let’s say that our example is your goal can you make it happen?

First, you get a crystal clear picture in your mind of what your end result looks like to you.  (We humans need these visual images - consider them targets).  Next, you try it on for size….close your eyes and visualize how good it feels to be that way.   While you are still visualizing - take that vision for a walk and see how great it feels to enter rooms unapologetically.  You are walking your talk so there is no need to preach about health and fitness  - people can see that you are a focused and disciplined human.  This feels so good - really enjoy your experience.  Decide that this is a priority and commit to when you want to see this version of yourself (put a date on it).

Now you will want to know your Why. 

Why is it important that you be fit and flexible…..?  Come up with enough answers to the point where your Why makes you cry.  Once you are popping tears - you’ve got the fuel you need to push you right past bagels and second helpings of dessert.  Your Whys could look something like:  to feel more energy, to confidently wear  anything I want and know I look good, to not be ashamed of my belly, to have health and vitality so I can enjoy life more, to be present for my family and be an example of what discipline looks like.  You get the idea….your Why should make you cry...and the deeper you go, you will see how important it really is to you.

Your Massive Action Plan (AKA Your Map from Here to There)

With your What and your Why, now you need to come up with a massive action list of things you could do to accomplish your goals in the time frame you’ve set for yourself.  This list can be comprehensive so that you always have ways of being resourceful. Schedule your actions and do something immediately and then consistently keep going till you have reached your goal. 

Revere the power of the written word. Write these actions down and schedule them into your day…on purpose.

This sounds so easy when you read it.  It is this simple.  The challenge comes when you have to do things differently - but that’s the reason for knowing your Why - because it’s the fuel that will keep you committed as you forge new and empowering habits to achieve your end result. Imagine how good that will feel!

For things to change….you have to change! You can do it!


If you are having any challenges or questions about this article and/or want help making a major change...welcome to email me: 

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