Ah-ha Moment Share #1

 Ah-ha Moment Worthy of Sharing

The Power of Unbiased Focus

When I am goal setting with a client, we start with the end in mind.

It looks a lot like this:
I find out what it is that they want to be, do or have, discover their why and then look where they are now so we can design a plan to bridge the gap;  that space between where they are and where they want to go.

It's easy for me.
I love my work and I follow a logical order that looks like this:

1.  What do you want and by when?  (What does it look like?)

2.  What's the purpose?  (the Why behind the Want)

3.  Create a MAP (Massive Action Plan) or logical sequence of steps to take

4.  You plan the work, work the plan (Bridge the Gap)  … to SUCCESS!  

Certainly makes sense, wouldn't you agree?

You are thinking that's so simple - and it is....but it's not always easy....

Here is what I offer my clients and why it’s easy for me to do so.
Sure, I love my work and understand a thing or 10 - but that's not the reason it's so easy for me. 

Here is the Ah-ha!    It's my Unbiased Focus!

My crystal clear laser focus on their future outcome is free from their limiting distractions of their past results and whether or not they are worthy, capable and deserving of such lofty goals. 

I see what's possible.

Unbiased Focus

My conversation, questions and planning are all on the desired outcome and free of judgement or their past experiences of limiting beliefs. 

I am focused on "what" not the "why-not".  I am focused on the end result.

I see them being the victor not the victim.

I see them being the victor not the victim.

That's the difference - and it's a huge difference - I am free of their limiting beliefs.

It's not surprising that all sorts of limiting thoughts will pop up when we go after something big.   That's because our brain's number one job is to keep us safe and secure.  Unchartered territory is anything but.  

The challenge is the prehistoric nature of our brain and how it works when we venture to attempt something new and different.
The moment we hesitate it thinks something is wrong and goes into over drive to to protect us from pain and guide us toward pleasure.  

That's why it is so vitally important to build a crystal clear vision of our end result backed by a powerful why and the basic steps to move forward.  Just the practice of doing all of this will start to make it more familiar. .

The other piece is Mindset.  If your mind is set thinking you can or you can't - it's right.  That's where a coach can be so helpful keeping you on track - and aligning your set point to a "Can Do" attitude.

I believe this revelation is huge. It explains what happens to us when we have a desire for something and fail to achieve it - or worse, even start in the first place.  That moment of hesitation allowed fear to creep in and all the limiting beliefs showed up to protect us.

So what can you do?  Be Aware!

Now that you are aware of why it's so easy for me to see you accomplishing your goals and how you can trip yourself up - you can be smarter about goal setting.

You can dream Big with Unbiased Focus!

The view is so different at the top ~ possibilities are endless.

The view is so different at the top ~ possibilities are endless.

It's similar to climbing a mountain.  We get to the top and we see possibilities we couldn't have seen when we were down at the bottom. Reaching the top also adds to our confidence and validates what we are capable of. 

Suddenly we are aware of so much more of what's available to us.

It's a universal law that we get what we focus on, like it or not.

So, logically it would make sense to only focus on those things we do want. 

When you are creating your goals and glorious outcomes - you need to dream big - sky's the limit. Goals that will ignite a spark to get that fire burning bright - those the are the ones you want to set for yourself!

Think about what it is you want to be, do or have that's going to light you up.  Focus on the what and the how will reveal itself.  

The more consistent action you take, the higher you go and the better the view and the broader the possibilities once you discover what's out there.

Setting a Goal is similar to planning a Trip:

When I plan a trip,I know where I want to go, why and then figure out what I need to do to get there.

Working with this strategy;  the end result in mind, it's simply a matter of taking action in the direction you want to go. 


What I don't do is think of a place I want to go and then work up a list of reasons why I can't go or worse, check in with everyone I ever knew since Kindergarten and see what they think I should do.

That would be ridiculous!  Who would do that?   

Well.... a lot of us...maybe even...You....maybe...sometimes? 
With access to everyone you ever knew as close as Facebook - the fear of rejection or ridicule can creep in at mach speed and derail even the simplest of worthy goals and desires.  Your past does not equal your future!

We start to worry what everyone will think of us....it's natural because we all want to "fit in" and be accepted .... but at what price?

This is what it looks like when we have a big delicious goal that lights us up and we hesitate for a moment as we check in with our social barometer:

There we are - all excited and on fire to go after a goal, big or small, that will take us one step closer to our dreams....and then swoosh!  


We get dumped with a bucket of ice water that nearly puts out our fire. 

This imaginary bucket is filled with fears and second guessing and frozen confidence as we wonder if we will fail or succeed or if we will still be accepted or ridiculed for following our dreams - as if everyone is just sitting around with nothing better to do than judge our next move.

The thing is - we are the one dumping the bucket on ourselves - every time we second guess our abilities or worry about what others might think....

We can easily see what's happening and why it's silly to repeat the process ever again.

It's a matter of staying focused on the end result - unbiased focus.
Is it easy?  Not at first.
Is it possible?  YES!

It's the only way - because energy flows where focus goes. Unbiased Focus!

Practice - Practice - Practice! 

Work those Muscles!

THE Ah-ha...  

I only focus on the client's targeted outcome  

Free of their limiting beliefs I am able to help people come up with empowering plans and coach them along the way.  My focus is always on their end result -their targeted outcome.  My questions are "What do you need to do and How can you do it?"

It's all about focus.  Unbiased laser like focus.

I realize I am repeating myself

That's because it's a simple formula.  
What do you Want?  Why? Create a MAP and GO!


1.  Focus on what you want - see it clearly

2.  Know Your Why

3.  Create a MAP and start moving in that direction with the unstoppable conviction that this or something better is on it's way to you.

It's a simple formula that we humans complicate. Simplify things and GET YOURS!

These fears and limitations happen to us all at one time or another - and more than we'ld like to admit - it's our nature...but it doesn't have to be our future.

That's why coaching is so great and why coaches have coaches too!

Someone to push you through your perceived limitations and onward to your end result!

Someone to keep you accountable and focused.

Someone to see you in all your glory and what's possible once you set your sights!


What can you do right now?  How to use this information?

Follow the Formula - and remember to focus on only that which matters! ~ YOur END RESULT

1.  What

2.  Why

3.  Create a MAP (Massive Action Plan) 

4.  You plan the work, work the plan (Bridge the Gap)  … to SUCCESS!  


As Yoda would say.... "Complicate it do not".

Here's to you Igniting Your Passion,



Debbie Peck